With all the great advice available on "how to make money in Internet Marketing" available today, you probably know the steps you have to take to make money online:
1. Source or create a product.
2. Put up a microsite or Web site where the product can be ordered.
3. Drive traffic to that site.
4. Convert a percentage of those visitors to customers.
5. Capture the e-mail addresses of visitors (prospects) who come to the site but do not order the product.
6. Follow-up with those prospects who do not order the product to convert more of them to paid customers
Yes, you know WHAT you have to do ... and you may even have a good idea on HOW to do it.
But WHERE to go … and WHO to turn to … for help getting all these tasks completed correctly and at reasonable cost is the missing piece of the puzzle.
But now that's changed. And it's easy for you to gain access to the same software, services, products, and vendors that top Internet marketing pros nationwide use every day to generate orders and save money.
Because, for a limited time only, you can preview a brand-new directory of 101+ of the best no-cost/low-cost resources for Internet marketers risk-FREE for 90 days. Just click below now:

The "Yellow Pages" of Internet Marketing
Copywriter and Web marketer Kim Stacey has put together an extraordinary resource for both new and established Internet marketers.
Let me give you a few example of how Kim's resource guide has saved me time and helped me get my Internet marketing efforts on the fast track:
- When I started selling e-books, I needed a mechanism for taking the orders and processing the payments online. I found an affordable service on page 60 of Kim's guide.
- Since I don't know Adobe Acrobat, I needed to find someone who could take the Word files of my e-books, design professional covers and page layouts, and convert them into a downloadable PDF. Turned to page 107 -- and there it was!
- Then I started selling physical products - CD-ROMs - and needed a service to reproduce, package, and ship my audio products. Looked on page 103 and found just the guy I need . again, very affordable. And easy to work with.
- When you go to most places on the Web to register a domain name, they rip you off. But Kim found what may be the cheapest domain name registration service ever! See page 22.
- Putting up microsites (like this one) can cost a fortune if you hire the wrong Web designer. The guy I use is listed on page 24 ... reasonably priced ... and of course, I found him in Kim's directory first.
- Pop-ups can increase your leads and sales, but many Internet users have pop-up blockers installed. Here's how to get your ad past them ... and right to the user. Page 30.
- One of the best ways to promote yourself on the Internet is to write articles for other people's e-newsletters ... and on page 92, you find a resource that can connect you with hundreds of e-newsletters to which you can submit articles.
And that's just a handful of more than a hundred terrific, low-cost/no-cost Internet marketing resources waiting for you in Kim Stacey's new guide, the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring: The Top-Rated Low-Cost Products and Services You Need to Run a Profitable Internet Marketing Business.
To review this money-saving, time-saving guide to dozens of the best no-cost/low-cost resources for Internet marketers risk-FREE for 90 days, click below now:

Getting your Internet marketing business up and
running – once difficult, now easy.
Kim Stacey's new guide the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring is packed with products, services, vendors, and other resources for handling every aspect of starting and running a successful Internet marketing business.
Here's just a sampling of what you'll find inside:
- Can't afford to hire an HTML programmer? Build your own Web site using this FREE online HTML editor. See page 24.
- Cheapest way to register a domain name for your Web site. Page 22.
- This may be the lowest cost Web hosting service available on the Internet today. But most Internet marketers have never heard of them. Page 29.
- Need to get an e-book or other information product written? Here's where to find good freelance writers who will work for you for peanuts. Page 31.
- Want a quick education in online marketing? 15 best marketing e-zines ... and you can read them all FREE. Page 108.
- Quick and easy way to add a fully functioning shopping cart to your Web site ... without hiring a programmer. Page 34.
- The best way to increase your search engine rankings is to get many sites to link to your Web site. This free online tool shows you how many pages on the Internet contain links to your site . and your competitor's site. Page 57.
- Custom programming for your Web site and e-commerce applications is more affordable than you think. Go here to hire qualified programmers online. Page 23.
- Cool pop-ups for your Web site. They look like Post-It notes. Really gets the visitor's attention. Page 30.
- How long does it take your Web site to download on a broadband connection? A 56 kbps dial-up connection? This free tool gives you the answer in a jiffy. Page 31.
- Coding errors on your HTML Web pages? This free tool finds them fast. Page 29.
- Have you seen marketing Web sites with streaming audio? Want to add audio to one of your sites? See page 40. Or check out page 41 and add streaming video to your site.
- Not sure which key words people search when looking for a product or service like yours? This free tool shows you which key words are being searched on most often. Page 42.
- Submit your Web site to Google, Yahoo, and over a dozen other major search engines with a single click of the mouse. Page 56.
- Hire a professional graphic designer to create a beautiful color cover for your e-book, book, audio album, or other products - dirt cheap. Page 103.
- Can't afford a full-time Web master? Hire a great one on a freelance basis. Page 32.

- Track and measure Web metrics including visits, conversions, sales, click through rates, and other key results. Know instantly whether an online promotion is profitable. Page 46.
- Want to make money with a subscription or "membership" Web site? Here's the software you need to run it. Page 27.
- Easiest way for your customers to pay you online. Page 33.
- Find out what products and services your customers want by surveying them with this quick and easy online survey tool. Page 19.
- Make money selling other people's products to your e-list ... or selling your products through other people's e-lists ... with affiliate marketing. Page 60.
- As an Internet entrepreneur, you can't afford PC down-time. So when you have a computer emergency, call these PC repair guys ... they'll be there within the hour! Page 18.
- Make sure your online ads are seen by Internet users who have demonstrated an interest in your product or service. Page 55.
- Generate profitable pay-per-click traffic for as little as a nickel a hit using Google Adwords. Page 53.
- Promote your Internet business by doing interviews on talk radio shows ... and become famous in your field! Page 78.
- Get more "unique visits" on your Web site through "co-registration deals." Page 55.
- Send news stories and press releases about your product or service to the New York Times and hundreds of other major media outlets at the click of a mouse. Page 99.
- Make sure your e-mails can get past spam filters and are delivered to your user's e-mail in-box. Page 64.
- Convert more visitors to customers with a follow-up e-mail "conversion series" automatically sent by an "autoresponder." Page 66.
- Distribute e-mail marketing messages and e-newsletters to thousands of subscribers on your list at the click of a mouse at virtually no cost. Page 74.
- Animate your company logo on your outgoing e-mail marketing messages. Page 67.
- Want to conduct free or paid teleconferences and market these events to your e-list? Here's a resource that can produce the tele-event for you. Page 20.
- Get reliable, low-cost duplication service for videos, DVDs, CDs, and audio cassettes when marketing audio and video information products. Page 106.
- Put rotating images of your products on your site . visitors can view your product from different angles with the click of a mouse. Page 36.
- Meet the absolute master of pay per click advertising ... and hire him as your personal advisor to minimize your cost per click and maximize your sales. Page 52.
- Turn tele-seminar recordings into PDF transcriptions you can sell. Fast, reliable transcription services are now available online. Page 107. Cost is very reasonable.
- Want to create an info product that shows somebody how to do something on the PC. Here's software that captures both static screen show images ... as well as dynamic videos showing you moving through a PC-based demo or presentation. Page 19.
- Need a computer programmer to create an online tool for your web site or a piece of software you want to sell as a product? This resource can help you find a qualified coder fast. Page 23.
- No need to design your web sites from scratch. Just use these beautiful templates instead. Pick a template and drop your copy into it. They're easy to use and cost about a buck each. Page 25.
- Make the right move into social networking by participating in online discussion boards. Page 37 shows you how you can get started in minutes from now.
- Show your online ads only to qualified prospects who are searching the Internet for more information on the products you sell. Page 54.
- How well does your web site rank with the major search engines? Turn to page 58 and find out.
- Check your e-mail copy before sending it out to make sure it won't get caught by corporate firewalls and spam filters. Page 64.
- Stay in touch with your prospects, follow up on inquiries more efficiently, and increase conversion rates with auto-responders. Page 66.
- Ideal service for small businesses that want to send e-mail marketing messages to their customers and prospects online – easily and affordably. Page 67.
- Is an ISP unfairly blocking your legitimate e-mail marketing messages to your opt-in list or marking your e-mails as spam when they in fact are not? Here's how to help your subscribers "white list" your incoming e-mails so they can get through. Page 69.
To gain immediate access to these ... and dozens of other valuable resources for building your Internet marketing business ... order the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring today risk-free!

Reduce your Internet marketing costs --
and maximize your response rates and sales!
When you start and run your own Internet marketing business, your profit depends on two factors: how much money you take in through sales, and how much money goes out - in other words, your costs and expenses.
At the beginning, I urge you to buy everything cheap ... for as little as you can. Don't spend a lot of money until you're making money first. Otherwise, you'll burn through your cash, with no results, in record time.
But beware: the Internet is filled with unscrupulous schemers whose only goal in life is to bilk unsuspecting Internet marketing novices, and even experienced entrepreneurs, out of every dollar they can.
The Internet Marketing on a Shoestring can help you INCREASE your online revenues while you significantly REDUCE your costs.
It steers you away from disreputable and overpriced services . and only to those online marketing products and tools that give you the best possible return on investment at the lowest possible cost . or in many cases, at no cost at all!
Simply put, it's THE authoritative guide to the best low-cost/no-cost Internet marketing resources available to you today.
I have saved literally THOUSANDS of dollars ... and HUNDREDS of hours ... with the resources contained in this unique directory.
Kim has spent countless hours surfing the Net, reviewing tools and resources, checking out products and services, and talking to experts to find you precisely the best resources you need to start and run your online business successfully. So you and I don't have to.
With her Guide at your fingertips, it's like getting your own private referrals to fantastic Internet marketing resources your competitors will never find.
Sure, you could hire expensive Internet marketing consultants to work with you on your e-business venture ... and they MIGHT be able to refer you to some of Kim's resources ... as part of their consulting fee - which could as much as $5,000 or higher.
But the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring can connect you with the best low-cost/no-cost Internet marketing tools, services, vendors, and software available.
Your cost? Only $39 for this comprehensive 112-page directory. That comes to about 30 cents per resource -- less than the price of a first-class postage stamp.
And your return on this modest investment?
Well, just ONE of the dozens of resources in this guide can immediately pay back the entire purchase price 10 times or more.
Use two, three, four, or more ... and this guide can literally make or save you thousands of dollars in your Internet business!
Try it risk-FREE for 90 days!
And, I stand behind that claim with this unconditional 100% money-back guarantee of satisfaction..
Click on the button below for immediate online access to Kim's Internet marketing directory. Then use it risk-free for a full 3 months.
If you are not 100% delighted with the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring, just return it to us within 90 days for a prompt and full refund of every penny you paid. That way, you risk nothing.
To order your no-risk trial copy, click below now:

Robert W. Bly,
CTC Publishing
P.S. I'm so convinced that Kim Stacey's new guide the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring can help you start or jump-start your Internet business that for a limited time only...
... I'll give you a copy of my valuable 45-page special report, Online Marketing That Works (list price: $29), absolutely FREE -- just for agreeing to examine Kim's guide risk-free for 90 days.
In Online Marketing That Works, you'll discover:
- The 10 steps to online marketing success.
- Breaking into your prospect's e-mail "inner circle."
- How to write, design, and publish your own e-zine.
- 8 affordable ways to drive traffic to your Web site.
- How to build your e-zine subscriber list quickly and
- How to help search engines find your Web site.
- Mastering "online conversion" to convert more
prospects to customers.
- 27 tips for writing more effective e-mail marketing
- And more...
When you get your copy of the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring, examine it carefully. Go to the Web addresses listed . and check out all these great Internet marketing resources for yourself!
Then, if you are not 100% delighted with the Internet Marketing on a Shoestring, just let us know within 90 days for a prompt and full refund of every penny you paid. That way, you risk nothing.
And whatever you decide, Online Marketing That Works is yours free, my gift to you ... just for giving Kim's Internet marketing resource guide a try.
To get started, click below now: